Building Tomorrow’s Leaders: BIM Student Committee Insights and Creating an Edge in Today's Competitive World" Degree Student Orientation Program 2024 - Day 5

Degree Student Orientation Program - Day 5

BIM had organized Day 5 Orientation Program on 6th Aug 2024.The aim of the program was to familiarize on Student Committees at BIM and equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in a highly competitive and rapidly changing world.

Mr.Venkatesh Nagaraj - Graduated from B.H.M.S Business and Hotel Management School,Luxern,Switzerland and an awardee by Australian Education and Learning Institute,Melbourne, Australia and Ms.Pavithra V  - Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.

The session helped students in getting Overview of the Committee Structure,its key Functions and Activities and stressed upon understanding the Contemporary Competitive Landscape and Personal Branding and Professional Development of the student.